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Democrats are arguing their case for a state income tax on capital gains before the State Supreme Court TODAY.

If the Court sides with Democrats, they will have realized success over years of their efforts to force a state income tax on Washingtonians. We here at Shift WA have covered their illegal push since our launch in 2013.

We covered their many schemes, including how they planned to reward big labor with the new tax and their attempt to alter the meaning of words to pass a state income tax.

And we’ve interviewed our state’s foremost experts on the matter, including the Washington Policy Center’s Jason Mercier and former Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna.

We remain committed to fighting Democrats’ efforts to pass a state income tax. But we need your help.

Our efforts depend entirely on grassroots supporters like you. Will you consider contributing $100, $50, or $25 to help us keep the lights on?

Look out for our email wrapping up what happened in court!

Thank you,

The Shift WA team

Democrats have attempted to bypass our state constitution and force a state income tax on Washingtonians for many years.
Shift Washington

Democrats have attempted to bypass our state constitution and force a state income tax on you for decades. And now – TOMORROW – Democrats will have their day in court.

The State Supreme Court will hear Democrats argue that an income tax on capital gains is – get this, contrary to all established definitions – an excise tax at 9 a.m. on January 26. That’s right, Democrats want a state income so bad they won’t even call it one, just to confuse the media and the public!

During the 2021 legislative session, Democrats realized years of their efforts to force a state income tax on Washingtonians when they passed an income tax on capital gains. Every Democrat knew they were passing state income tax on their constituents, but they would not admit it.

The passage of the Democrat-only bill came as no surprise. After all, we here at Shift WA have covered the Democrats’ push for a state income tax since our launch in 2013.

Back in 2015, we exposed how Democrats’ biggest campaign donors – including the Washington Education Association (WEA) – stood to benefit the most from a state income tax. And – surprise, surprise – unions have organized a protest at the state capital tomorrow in an attempt to intimidate justices into supporting the illegal state income tax.

Importantly, we’ve covered every angle of Democrats’ tactics – including their attempt to alter the meaning of words to pass a state income tax. We highlighted Jason Mercier of the Washington Policy Center’s thorough investigative work. Back in 2021, Mercier contacted every state – along with federal tax and budget authorities like the IRS – to confirm reality. He found no agreement with the Washington Democrats, as every other rational body in the country considers a tax on capital gains to be a form of income tax.

As Homer Simpson would say, “Duh.”

We also interviewed former Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna (2005 – 2013) when the lawsuit now before the Court was filed. McKenna explained why the state income tax (on capital gains) is unconstitutional.

You can count on Shift WA to continue fighting and highlighting Democrats’ efforts to pass a state income tax – focusing on their unconstitutional actions and shining a light on their schemes. But we need your help.

Our efforts depend entirely on grassroots supporters like you. Will you consider contributing $100, $50, or $25 to help us keep the lights on?

You can count on us to continue bringing updates on Democrats’ tactics to you. But we need your help to keep going. Will you consider contributing today?

Thank you,

The Shift WA team