John, our women need you in this community.
Since 1985, the backbone of EMILY's List always has been — and always will be — our supporters.
Thank you for being part of this community. Become an official EMILY's List supporter and help elect thousands of Democratic pro-choice women by making a $3 contribution today:
When I founded EMILY's List back in 1985, it was just a handful of women with a radical idea: Let's create a political organization specifically dedicated to the advancement of Democratic pro-choice women in politics. An organization by women, for women.
A lot has changed since 1985, but one of our core tenants has not — and that's the idea that the backbone of EMILY's List is, and always will be, our supporters.
At this critical juncture for abortion rights in this country, we need the investment of this community. Please donate $3 today to help recruit, train, and elect Democratic pro-choice women.
Your support for EMILY’s List isn't about any one campaign or even one election cycle. Let me explain.
When you become a member of this community, you're standing with over five million of your fellow EMILY's List fighters who are helping elect phenomenal women to office. And you're sustaining an organization that doesn't just show up in high-profile races (though we are deep in the trenches in those elections too.)
This organization also invests deeply in the less flashy races — like flipping key seats in the state legislature to take back control from anti-choice Republicans or electing governors across the nation who could ultimately be the deciding factor in whether millions of people in their state have access to abortion at all. This is a 24/7, 365 days a year, every year kind of place.
With Roe v. Wade overturned and attacks on abortion rights at an all-time high, this moment is a critical tipping point for our country. There's too much at stake in our politics to shy away from the fight now. We are a team that can help make a real, lasting difference. But we have to step up.
Donate $3 to make your support for EMILY's List official and help elect more Democratic pro-choice women this year, next year, and every year going forward:
Thank you,
Ellen R. Malcolm
Founder and Chair Emerita, EMILY's List