This week, we should have been celebrating the 50th anniversary of
Roe v. Wade. Instead, we find ourselves at a perilous moment in the fight for reproductive rights.
Abortion rights are under attack – and we have no choice but to fight back.
We need to elect public service pros who will fight tooth and nail to restore abortion access. Sign on and commit to voting for pro-choice candidates!
Thanks for joining us in this fight,
Brett Broesder
Here’s our email from yesterday if you missed it:
This week in 1973, the Supreme Court affirmed the constitutional right to abortion in
Roe v. Wade.
But now, 50 years later, abortion rights have been gutted at the highest court in the land. Millions of Americans now live in states with abortion bans or extreme restrictions.
It’s on all of us to fight back.
Democrats with public service backgrounds understand the profound impact that access to reproductive healthcare can have in a community.
We’re building a pro-choice majority that will fight for abortion access – and we need you to join us.
Will you sign on and commit to voting for pro-choice candidates up and down the ballot?
One of Democrats Serve’s most important victories in the fight for reproductive freedom in the 2022 election was helping to elect Katie Hobbs as Governor of Arizona, defeating the staunchly anti-choice Kari Lake. We know that as a former social worker, Katie will fight tooth and nail to ensure safe, legal access to reproductive health care in Arizona.
From Governors’ mansions to the halls of Congress to state and local legislators – Democrats Serve is committed to supporting candidates who will protect our constitutional rights. Will you sign on to join us?
Thanks for everything,
Democrats Serve