McCarthy has already made good on two of his promises to his right-wing allies and corporate donors, and I'm his next target.

Ilhan for Congress

Friends — it's officially happened.

Kevin McCarthy and the House Republicans have removed both Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell from their House Intelligence Committee assignments.

This move from Speaker McCarthy and the GOP is not just a cheap political stunt — it is a blow to the integrity of our democracy and a threat to our national security.

McCarthy has already made good on two of his promises to his right-wing allies and corporate donors, and I'm his next target. After months and months of endless attacks, it's so important that our movement continues to stand together and fights back.

That's why I'm sincerely asking:

Will you make a contribution — of $5 or anything you can afford — to stand with me and our people-powered campaign today? This is such an important time to show the strength of our grassroots movement.


Here's the truth:

Our democracy depends on healthy and vibrant debate. Our strength lies not in our perfection, but in the diversity of our voices.

That is why — whatever our disagreements might be as members of Congress — policy differences alone are not cause for removing someone from serving on a committee.

In modern American history, the punishment of stripping a member of Congress of their committee assignments has been reserved only for the most extreme wrongdoings.

That means representatives who have been indicted on charges of corruption, who have engaged in bribery, sexual misconduct, or encouraged violence against other members.

Rep. Schiff and Rep. Swalwell, on the other hand, have been removed as retaliation for their tireless work bringing the truth about the January 6 insurrection to the American people.

I'm under attack because nothing scares the Republican Party more than a Black, Muslim, progressive refugee relentlessly fighting for a better world.

These attempts to silence us and undo the progress our movement has made together are a cheap, personal, and political stunt — and we will always stand up to them. So please:

Can you make a contribution — of $5 or anything you can — so we have the resources to fight back? I would not be asking if your support were not so important.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Nobody — not Kevin McCarthy, not the Republican Party, not the billionaires who fund them — will ever stop me in our fight for a more equitable, just, and peaceful world.

Thank you, as always, for being a part of it.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar