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We’re falling behind. 

Right now, we’re entering our busiest legislative season and need to raise $75,000 by midnight on January 27th in order to take advantage of a generous matching opportunity. 

That means when you give $100 — we’ll receive $200 towards the fight to call a Convention of States! 

Would you consider making a gift of any size today? As we look at the road ahead, your gift couldn’t come at a better time.

Here’s a quick, high-level glimpse of our legislative calendar:

As of today, 19 states have officially passed the Convention of States resolution. By way of reminder, it takes 34 states to actually call the Convention. Once called, the states will convene and propose amendments that limit the power of the federal government, and impose term limits and fiscal restraints. 

Already in 2023, our Resolution has been introduced in Montana, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Virginia, Iowa, Massachusetts, Illinois, Minnesota, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Washington, and New York

In Montana, we secured a victory in the Senate Committee on Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs. We won with a vote of 6 to 4 just days ago. 

Iowa, New Hampshire, New York, Minnesota, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Washington, Wyoming, and Virginia have all assigned our Resolution to committee, and a hearing is scheduled in New Hampshire later this month. 

But this is only the beginning. Forty-five states have already gone into session this month — giving us a powerful window of opportunity to pass our Resolution through the remaining 15 states required to call an Article V Convention. 

It’s time to sprint across the finish line. Will you chip in $50, $100, or even $150 today? Every dollar given will help fuel our 2023 Victory Fund, and thanks to the generosity of a fellow patriot, your gift will be matched when contributed before midnight of January 27th. 


Thank you for your continued generosity, 

Rita Peters
National Legislative Strategist 
COS Action

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