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Dear Friend,

Please give a critical $25, $50, $100 or more IMMEDIATELY to fully fund my two crucial, class action lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE.

Mark Houck is a husband, father of seven kids, and a pro-life leader in Pennsylvania.

And at 7:05 AM, September 23, 2022, 25 to 30 FBI agents raided Mark's home.

They yelled and pounded on the door, demanding to be let in.

According to his wife, Ryan-Marie, before Mark opened the door, he said:

"Please, I'm going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house.' But they just kept pounding and screaming..."

When the FBI agents swarmed into his home, they pointed their rifles at Ryan-Marie, Mark, and around their house.

Ryan-Marie said:

" was terrifying. The children were screaming and crying. You just figure one move from a 4-year old, and something tragic could've happened."

Ryan-Marie then asked the FBI, " you have a warrant?"

An FBI agent replied, "Well, we're taking him whether we have a warrant or not."

The FBI then hauled Mark away.

Mark's trial started on Tuesday, January 24th in Philadelphia.

Is he being tried for terrorism? No.

Is he being tried for organized crime? No.

Mark Houck is being prosecuted by corrupt Joe Biden's Department of Justice for protecting his oldest son from a deranged, foul-mouthed abortion clinic escort.

You see, Mark and his 12-year-old son would go regularly to a local abortion clinic. Mark would sidewalk counsel with people to try to save children's lives.

But a clinic escort singled out Mark's son for verbal abuse. He'd say foul, disgusting things to him about his father, week after week.

Finally, the escort approached the son and got too close. So Mark shoved him away, to protect his son.

The escort wasn't hurt. His lawsuit against Mark was thrown out. And local prosecutors refused to indict Mark for any crime.

But the lawless Department of Justice is prosecuting Mark for allegedly violating the pro-abortion Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. And Mark faces up to 11 years for protecting his son!

(Hat tip to Gateway Pundit for breaking this crucial information in Mark's story.)

Mark Houck is a God-fearing, decent man. He faces abuse, severe beatings, and even murder behind bars if he's convicted.

He's the latest outrageous example of just how power hungry and out of control Joe Biden's FBI and DOJ are...and we've seen too many examples of that already with what's being done to the January 6 Peaceful Protesters.

But there's something you can do about it.

As a supporter of Freedom Watch, you know I'm fighting back for all January 6 Peaceful Protesters through two crucial, class action lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions.

I'm seeking the indictments, prosecutions, and convictions of FBI Director Christopher Wray and others for their crimes against you, me, and the American people.

The lawsuits alone are so costly in time and money.

But I know you believe in what Freedom Watch is doing.

And no other group in America is doing what we are doing for the January 6 Peaceful Protesters...and to restore the rule of law in our country.

PLEASE help me double down in my fight to GET JUSTICE FOR ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS AND SET THEM FREE with your absolutely vital gift of $25, $50, $100 or even more RIGHT NOW.

If you and I don't take action NOW, peacefully and legally, Mark Houck and the January 6 Peaceful Protesters won't be the last Americans targeted by Joe Biden and his cronies...sooner or later, they'll come for you and me.

Please give what you can right away.

Thank you so much!


Larry Klayman
Founder, Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Chairman and General Counsel, Freedom Watch, Inc.

P.S. If Joe Biden's lawless Department of Justice can prosecute pro-life leader Mark Houck because he protected his 12-year old son from a deranged, foul-mouthed abortion clinic escort, none of us are safe.

Please help me fight back peacefully and legally against Joe Biden's rotten FBI and DOJ with your very best gift of $25, $50, $100 or more immediately.

The clock is ticking!

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