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2023 started off with a flurry of excitement when around 1,500 of you showed up at the Capitol to make our voices heard. Even though the results were not what we had hoped, we are not going to let up. 

The time for relaxing is over as the 2023 legislative session starts with a bang! 

As you know, True Texas Project is always active and making our voices heard! We will be at the Capitol every Tuesday from January to May to put pressure on our elected employees. 

Additionally, we will be at the Capitol for major votes, committee hearings, and especially to cover that pit in prayer. 

Sounds like a lot, right? That’s why we need you to partner with us as a monthly donor to help share our impact across the state today!  

Without your support, we would not be able to travel to Austin, mobilize other activists, or operate our 18 groups around the state. 

As if what we are doing in Austin is not enough to convince you to support TTP, we will continue our statewide work with hopes of reaching one very ambitious goal: to make True Texas Project a household name. 

We will accomplish this through these 4 steps: 

  • Open up to 4 new satellite locations (starting with Katy/Ft Bend and Abilene)
  • Educate more Texans than ever before with the True Texan Certification program
  • Show up at committee hearings, city council meetings, school board meetings, etc, as citizens AND as candidates and elected officials ;-)
  • Build relationships with other True Texans  

While all of our work would not be possible without you, our goals this year require each and every True Texan to join us. Will you give $25 a month to help us accomplish all of this?



Plus, if you sign up to give $25 a month (or more!) today, we’ll send you a True Texan t-shirt as our thank you!

I can’t wait to see all that we accomplish together this year. 

For Texas, 

Julie McCarty
CEO & Founder


P.S. True Texas Project has a lot to do this year! Will you help us make it all happen with just $25 a month? 

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