Sick at Starbucks
Amid a lack of COVID-19 protections, black mold, and bed bugs, Starbucks Workers United has been one of the only outlets for baristas’ safety complaints.
Remote Work Helps Disabled People Like Me—Let’s Hope It Never Ends
The jobless rate among disabled people has dropped dramatically during the pandemic.
Film Review: The Inexplicable Humanity of Saint Omer
French filmmaker Alice Diop’s complex courtroom drama challenges viewers to listen to, rather than judge, a mother’s plight.
Farmworkers Deserve a Living Wage
Lawmakers should take up measures that ensure union representation and better pay for these workers.
The Progressive Presents: Frank Emspak Book Talk
Please join us for an online book discussion with Frank Emspak on his new memoir Troublemaker: Saying No to Power, on Thursday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.
The event will include panelists Steve Early (free-lance journalist and the author or co-author of five books about labor, politics, or veterans issues), Alice Herman (labor reporter whose work has appeared in The Progressive, In These Times, and other outlets), and Norman Stockwell (former Board member of Workers Independent News and publisher of The Progressive magazine), along with questions from the audience.
Streaming at:
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You can join the conversation on Zoom.
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