We’re winning―but we have to keep up the pressure.
Since the United States hit the statutory debt limit, forcing the Treasury Department to undertake emergency measures to avoid default, Republicans in Washington have insisted that President Biden and Democrats agree to unpopular spending cuts if we want to prevent economic disaster. Republicans have Social Security and Medicare in their crosshairs.
It’s political terrorism, plain and simple. And our Social Security system is on the line.
Even Joe Manchin, the only Democrat who seems open to paying Republican hostage-takers off with spending cuts, warned Kevin McCarthy to stay away from Social Security and Medicare, warning him that his caucus was “scaring the bejesus out of people.”
We’ve seen that Kevin McCarthy doesn’t control his caucus―a full week of failed votes for his Speakership is all the proof you need of that. And extremist Republicans told The Washington Post that they’re considering raising the retirement age to 70!
The threat is still extremely real―but our campaign is working! Donate $7 to protect Social Security and Medicare from Republican hostage takers and demand a clean debt ceiling increase before the June deadline!
Remember: Democrats raised the debt ceiling three times under the Donald Trump administration without concessions or pre-conditions. The current debt limit is not based on any economic reality―it’s just the number that Congress made up the last time they authorized the Treasury to issue new bonds. The debt ceiling does not create new spending, it merely lets the government pay the bills it already has without wrecking the economy.
And also remember: Social Security doesn’t add a penny to the debt―it has paid benefits in full and on time for nearly a century. The American people overwhelmingly want to see Social Security expanded, not cut―and every single year that the Social Security retirement age increases amounts to a 7% benefit cut.
We’re turning up the pressure in Washington, demanding that hostage-taking politicians keep their hands off our Social Security system! Chip in today!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works