Dear John

GREAT NEWS: Earlier this morning the House Education Early Childhood/Innovation subcommittee unanimously voted to table (kill) HB 1434! This bill, sponsored by Delegate Ballard, would have required students to obtain a court order before changing their name on any records at school. 

The committee ran out of time before hearing HB 2170 (Williams) -  a bill requiring parental notification of student participation in any school-based team, club, or activity. An additional hearing will be called on Friday, January 27th to hear the remaining bills on the docket.

ACTION ALERT: The Senate Education & Health Public Education subcommittee just released the agenda for their hearing tomorrow afternoon (January 26th), and all three Senate transgender athlete bans are on the docket. SB 911 (Cosgrove), SB 962 (Peake), and SB 1186 (Reeves) all attempt to ban the participation of trans athletes on the K-12 school sports teams that align with their gender identity. Additionally, SB 911 and SB 1186 also target the participation of transgender college athletes on higher education sports teams.

Let’s let the committee members know just how many of us oppose these harmful bills - click the button below to send them a message!

Equality Virginia wants to reassure you, these bills will not pass this subcommittee. A similar transgender athlete ban was defeated in this subcommittee during the 2022 session, and we expect the subcommittee to do the same with these three bills. We understand that the scheduling of these bills and the hearings can cause a mix of emotions, and we don’t want to add to the stress or overwhelm you might be feeling. Trauma-informed communications is a central part of our work.

For those wishing to testify in-person - especially directly impacted community members - we encourage focusing on stories of joy. Feel free to share how participation in sports meaningfully impacts transgender athletes. There will be several organizations speaking about the harms of these bills, and we invite community members and advocates to share personal stories of empowerment. If you wish to attend this subcommittee hearing, but do not wish to testify, we encourage you to join us in packing the room with people opposing these bills.

If you need help with crafting your testimony, you can reach out to Kyleigh Hynes at [email protected].

For a summary of the key information contained in this email, please see below. Thank you for your advocacy, today and always.


In solidarity,

Narissa Rahaman (she/her)

Executive Director


Key Information:

What: Senate Education & Health, Public Education subcommittee

When: January 26th after the Senate adjourns (in the afternoon, sometime after 12:00 pm)

Where: Senate Room A (900 East Main Street, Richmond, VA)

How To Share Your Opposition:

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