Any amount you can give today will help our campaign keep our ad on the air and mobilize voters across Chicago.

Chuy for Chicago

Exciting news, John: We just launched our first TV ad!

Your support made this possible, so we wanted to update you just in case you haven't seen it on the air yet.

But with the race tightening and our opponents ramping up attacks against Chuy and our campaign, we need to get our ad in front of as many Chicagoans as possible. Can you help us make this possible by supporting Chuy and our new ad with a donation of $10 or more?

Chuy's new TV ad


We'll be honest, TV ads cost a lot of money. But it's worth it to get Chuy’s plans to keep Chicago safe out to voters across the city.

And if we're going to win this incredibly close race, we have to reach as many people as we can ahead of the election in less than five weeks.

Your support is essential. Please, watch our new ad and make a contribution of $10 or any amount you can to help Chuy reach as many voters as possible:


Team Chuy