From Forward Party <>
Subject We made history in South Carolina
Date January 25, 2023 3:33 PM
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On Sunday, dozens of Forward Party volunteers braved the rain to canvass the neighborhoods of Columbia and Charleston to begin the process of collecting the approximately 18,000 signatures needed for Forward to be recognized as a party in the state! 

<[link removed]>CONTRIBUTE TO HELP US COLLECT SIGNATURES <[link removed]>

Following the successful signature-gathering day, Forward volunteers and leaders joined with coalition partners for a rally on the Capitol steps in support of Ranked-Choice Voting. At the rally on Monday, South Carolina Representative Jermaine Johnson announced he’s going to run a bill to bring RCV to the state and give South Carolinians more choice and more voice. 

We aren’t mincing words when we say these were HUGE steps forward for us - not only in South Carolina but in building our national movement. Will you help us collect the 18,000 signatures needed to achieve party recognition with a contribution of $18 right now? <[link removed]>

We are pounding the pavement to drive the Palmetto State, and America, forward to a new and better kind of politics. The momentum is building and we need your support to keep it going. Chip in whatever you can right now to help us get on the ballot in South Carolina! <[link removed]>


The Forward Party


Forward Party - PO Box 9172, Fredericksburg, VA 22403, United States

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