Censorship, Mass Surveillance and Bugs: World Economic Forum vs. The Free World
by J.B. Shurk • January 25, 2023 at 5:00 am
People with fortunes have an economic incentive to hide them behind the appearance of benevolence, so as to avoid scrutiny while making those fortunes even bigger. Behind every "build back better" inch of the WEF's "great reset" of the global economy is some corporate titan, banking behemoth, power-hungry politician, bureaucratic chieftain, or plain old aristocrat making money or gaining influence from the multitude of secret transactions buttressing the whole philanthropic charade.
They depend upon African slave labor for the mining of "green" raw materials and Chinese slave labor for the manufacturing of "green" technologies while simultaneously smearing as bigots anyone who objects to their open border policies flooding Western nations with endless cheap labor at home. Predictably, those most responsible for undermining labor groups at home while subsidizing slavery abroad are the same ones who lecture the world on racism, fair wages, and human rights.
Stick, meet carrot. They may fly on private jets, but at the end of the day, the World Economic Forum cabal is just the greatest collection of thugs organized crime has ever managed to put together in the same room, orchestrating the most effective schemes ever devised to force formerly free peoples to do exactly what they say.
In a more just era, anybody attending the WEF's gatherings would be arrested for conspiracy to commit racketeering and fraud. Instead, because the "masters of our future" have invested heavily in the elections of the West's most prominent leaders, presidents, prime ministers, legislators, and even military staffs are only too happy to champion their cause.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told his WEF audience that the world's economy is in tremendous peril, while failing to point out that it has been the WEF's own COVID-19 lockdown policies and attempts to use the pandemic as a "great reset" for transitioning the West from hydrocarbon to "green" energies that are responsible for much of the harm.
[T]he UN chief was more interested in making two other points: (1) there should be legal "accountability" for social media platforms that promote "false information," and (2) politicians should force unpopular policies upon their populations for their own good.
In essence, the head of the globalists' preferred international governing body demands that national leaders intentionally disregard the will of their people and implement a system for the criminalization of free speech, so that dissent magically disappears much like a protester in a "re-education" camp. These are the same WEF "elites" who then have the temerity to turn around and preach about "democracy" and "Western values."
Sitting right next to "green" champion Al Gore, [Colombian President] Petro Urrego proclaimed that humanity must "overcome capitalism" if it is to survive. Given that Gore, a member of the WEF Board of Trustees, did not appear to disagree, it seems fair to say that Club Davos finds more to like in an "elite"-controlled version of communism (is there any other kind?) than a free market system in which ordinary people may thrive.
To coincide with its gathering, the WEF has published a report citing "misinformation and disinformation" among the most significant global "risks." WEF members publicly predict that "hate speech" laws will soon come to the United States — in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment protections for freedom of speech. Calls are growing for tracking and enforcing individual "carbon limits" in the endless battle against Earth's ever-changing climate. These same authoritarians push digital vaccine passports, contact tracing, mandatory use of experimental "vaccines," and ubiquitous testing. And following the WEF's determination that Westerners should transition to a diet of bugs, the European Union has now authorized the general consumption of house crickets. Censorship, mass surveillance, and bugs — welcome to the future, should the WEF get its way.
None of the WEF's expansive programs for remaking the world according to its members' interests sounds like anything free Westerners could ever voluntarily embrace. Surely that is why so many of the WEF's speakers urge the forceful adoption of these policies regardless of public support. Perhaps that is also why the Chinese Communist Party recently applauded this year's "Davos spirit." Communists know communism when they see it, and in Klaus Schwab's globalist oligarchy of "elites," China likes what it sees.

The World Economic Forum's nation-crushing empire looks like a chop shop that has stolen parts from the world's worst dictatorships in order to create Frankenstein's "woke" monster. It has swiped the Aztecs' penchant for human sacrifice to ward off bad weather, the Chinese communists' love of total control and the eradication of traditional culture, the Italian fascists' society-squeezing partnership with corporate monopolists, and the German Nazis' belief in a "master race" — chiefly the celebrities, bankers, crony capitalists, and potentates who assemble in Davos and elsewhere to applaud their own achievements and further implement their "master plan," which the WEF affectionately calls "The Great Reset."