Hey — Ross said it best - I’m really going to need you in my corner this year, and I hope you’ll consider joining our 2020 Founding Donors Club by making a monthly recurring donation to our campaign. 

You can use this link to make a donation: secure.actblue.com/donate/clarke-2020fou

Thank you for your continued support,

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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ross Williams <[email protected]>
Subject: join the club
To: [email protected]

Hey there — Ross here, Yvette’s new Finance Director. 

Yvette is working tirelessly every day on behalf of Brooklyn to prioritize our values and our priorities in Congress. It’s why we’re here working as hard as we can to make sure Yvette has the resources she needs to keep up her work in Congress this year, and beyond. 

Support from grassroots donors like you is how we’re going to win our re-election and hold onto our Democratic majority in the House. Our 2020 campaign is about to kick it into the next gear, and I want to make sure you have a chance to make a big impact right at the beginning. 

Will you join our 2020 Founding Donors Club by committing to a monthly recurring donation today? Let’s show Yvette that her supporters have her back!


We are at a critical time in our nation – Donald Trump has brought us closer to another war in the Middle East, impeachment proceedings have shaken American’s faith in our democracy, and corruption continues to run rampant in Washington.

At a time like this, it’s more important than ever that Yvette has the resources to fight back against the White House and reprioritize the issues that matter to the working-class families in Brooklyn and beyond: affordable housing, education, healthcare, jobs, and so much more.

We’ll need every tool at our disposal to win big in 2020 and keep Yvette focused on delivering results for us AND standing up to Trump.

Yvette’s working hard for us, day-in and day-out. Will you step up today and commit to having her back through all that 2020 brings?

Thanks for all that you do, 

Ross Williams
Finance Director
Clarke For Congress








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