A California State Senate resolution demanding dignity for incarcerated workers JUST passed the Public Safety Committee. Thanks to your advocacy, incarcerated workers in California are a little bit closer to earning a livable wage. Join us in celebrating this milestone moment:

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Currently, the lowest paid incarcerated worker in California makes $0.08 cents per hour. You heard us – $0.08 cents per hour. This is unacceptable and change is long overdue. Getting state senators on the same page is crucial to moving this resolution through the legislature, and what happened this week at the Capitol is a big step in the right direction.
“We hope that this is the start to a comprehensive and humanizing change to California’s wage system for incarcerated workers. Incarceration does not justify inhumane compensation.” - Esteban Nuñez, #cut50 State Policy Director
We hope you’ll continue standing up for incarcerated workers. But right now, join us in celebrating this big milestone.
In strength & solidarity, The #cut50 team