The State of our State has Never Been Stronger!
People are talking about Governor Eric Holcomb’s 2020 State of the State address – a report on Indiana’s progress and a bold vision for our future. 

Read the full speech,
watch it, and then see what people are saying:

U.S. Senator Todd Young 
"Last night Governor Holcomb laid out a great vision for Indiana. Our economy is indeed strong and there is more encouraging news on the horizon. Issues he raised like T21, health price transparency, infant mortality, veteran services, and facilitating more adoptions are the same issues we are seeking to address on the federal level, and I appreciate the Governor’s leadership back home."

Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch:
"Privileged to be with Governor Holcomb for his fourth State of the State. Because of his leadership, alongside all our incredible agency heads, the State of our State is strong!"

Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma
“Governor Holcomb continues to provide strong leadership and vision for our state, and we look forward to working closely with him this session as we complete the people’s work on time and under budget. He is a tremendous ambassador of Indiana’s success story, and finds ways to get big wins for Hoosiers. We are excited about the record-setting pace of our economic development efforts, and we look forward to seeing the results play out in communities across our state.”

Indiana House Speaker-Elect Todd Huston:
“Our state continues to earn the spotlight with our fiscal stability and top-ranked economic environment, which attracts businesses large and small that support families across our state. With a structurally balanced budget and healthy reserves, we are on the right track to continue funding our state’s priorities and building on our momentum. Governor Holcomb has shown great leadership, and we will continue working together to support all Hoosiers.”

Senate President Pro Tem Rod Bray:
“In tonight’s address, Governor Holcomb laid out a compelling vision for improving the lives of Hoosiers all across our state both now and in the future. My caucus members and I are ready to continue working with the governor and our colleagues in the House of Representatives to improve workforce development and education, eliminate government debt, and improve health care cost transparency for Hoosiers. Together I believe we are making great strides that will continue to move our state forward.”

Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen:
“Governor Eric Holcomb is as genuine as they come. [The closing] of his speech drives that message home. Proud to call him governor and even prouder to call him a friend.”

Kokomo Mayor Tyler Moore:
“Governor Holcomb featured Fiat-Chrysler‘s planned investment in Kokomo during his State of the State address. A $400 million investment means big things for our workers and our community.”

Indianapolis City-County Councilor Paul M. Annee
“Governor Holcomb and his team are truly taking our state to the next level and putting people FIRST!”

Tony Katz, WIBC Radio Host:
“There is not a Democrat in Indiana that can beat Governor Holcomb in November.”

Rick Ward, President, UAW Local 685:
“We’ve got a lot of new product that looks like it is coming to us, and it looks like it’s going to be a bright future… It’s kind of like Christmas…the workforce is excited about this and anxious to get the engine plant up and running.”

Randy Kron, President, Indiana Farm Bureau:
“Big successes, big investments, big goals. Congratulations Governor Holcomb on a great State of the State and leading Indiana to the Next Level!”

Brian Tabor, President, Indiana Hospital Association:
“Governor Eric Holcomb set forth a strong vision tonight for a healthier Indiana, better transparency for healthcare consumers, and establishing key measures like protecting patients from surprise medical bills. His proposals will put Indiana on a path to lower costs for Hoosiers and better physical and mental health outcomes.” 

Ambre Marr Indiana AARP, State Legislative Director:
“Broadband is an issue that needs to be front and center, and we commend Governor Holcomb for continually working to connect communities to resources that are unattainable without access. Also, we appreciate that rising healthcare costs were addressed by Governor Holcomb.”

Brian Gould, Director of Member Engagement. Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (AIM):

“Governor Holcomb is diving right in to the economy. Indiana’s unemployment rate is at a 19 year low. The Hoosier state set all time records on job creation and capital investment in Indiana for 2019.”

Jean Renk, Government & Community Relations Manager, Duke Energy:
"Thanks to Lt Governor Suzanne Crouch, a champion for Hoosiers with I/DD. As Governor Holcomb delivered his annual State of the State address tonight a special mention was included for Hoosiers with I/DD who aspire to have jobs leading to greater independence."

State Senator Michael Young:
“In tonight’s State of the State address, Gov. Holcomb announced a veterans’ facility – the first of its kind in the country – will open this spring, bringing together multiple resources for veterans under one roof. As a lawmaker, advocating for and supporting Hoosier veterans is extremely important to me, and I look forward to the completion of this facility so veterans can access these organizations and departments with ease. Along with the benefits Indiana already offers, such as in-state tuition for veterans and income tax exemptions for military pensions, this new resource will help our state become even more welcoming to veterans and their families.”

State Senator Erin Houchin:
"Foster children are among the most vulnerable populations in our state, and it’s important we support them. I am thrilled to see Gov. Holcomb is creating the first adoption unit within the DCS – dedicating staff members for the specific purpose of helping find permanent homes for foster children will allow caseworkers to focus on protecting children and, at the same time, help make the adoption process more efficient so children can be united with their forever families.

State Representative Tony Cook:
"Fiat-Chrysler is building its first engine in Indiana, as part of a $400M investment, announced during Gov. Holcomb's State of the State address inside the Indiana House. Awesome for Tipton and Howard Counties!"

What did you think about Governor Holcomb's 2020 State of the State address?

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