Fighting for a feminist future
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Today, we’re mourning the victims of the mass shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay — and all victims of gun violence in our country.


Please consider making a donation to the Monterey Park Lunar New Year Victims GoFundMe, organized by Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California and multiple Asian, Asian American, and Pacific Islander community groups. 100% of donations go directly to supporting the victims, their families, and their communities.


Dear Friend,


This weekend, thousands of people poured into the streets and gathered online as part of a nationwide mobilization for reproductive freedom and justice for all.1


On the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we came together to say: Our movement is strong. Our movement is growing. Our movement is Bigger Than Roe.


Our CEO Jamie Beran spoke at the New York march (organized by Black Feminists Matter) about how Bend the Arc is organizing Jewish Americans to fight for freedom and justice:

“The only way for us to get free is to fight white supremacy in all its forms. 
The only way for us to get free is for Black people to get free. 
The only way for us to get free is for women and people of all genders to get free...
Our fight for abortion rights is, at its core, a fight for gender and racial justice.”


WATCH: Bend the Arc CEO Jamie Beran at #BiggerThanRoe in NYC.


Video screenshot of Bend the Arc CEO Jamie Beran speaking into a



We’re proud to have partnered with Women’s March as an official sponsor of the Bigger Than Roe actions, alongside visionary organizations like Working Families Power, Ultraviolet Action, SEIU, the National Council of Jewish Women, and more.


At Bend the Arc, we understand there is more to reproductive justice than ensuring everyone can choose when, how, and with whom to start a family. It’s about ensuring everyone has access to healthcare regardless of their employment or immigration status. It's about building a movement that centers people who are often left out of conversations about reproductive freedom. It’s about fighting for a country where every person can be safe and free.


Abortion access is a Jewish value because it upholds our sacred obligation to care for one another. As Jamie shared on Sunday, “Solidarity across race, faith, class, and gender is the only way to build enough power to dismantle these systems of oppression. We have to do it together.”


The #BiggerThanRoe marches are an incredible demonstration of how many people are with us, and how many are ready to join us in this fight. We’re not stopping now.


Watch and share Jamie’s speech about the Jewish movement for reproductive, gender, and racial justice from the Bigger Than Roe march.


With love,

The Bend the Arc team




1. The New York Times, Women’s March Holds Nationwide Rallies on 50th Anniversary of Roe

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