From Aaron White, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject PPI's Progress Report: The Climate Case for Expanding U.S. Natural Gas Exports
Date January 24, 2023 9:00 PM
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
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PPI Publishes Issue Brief:
The Climate Case for Expanding U.S. Natural Gas Exports

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A key question for current American climate, energy, and security policy is what role abundant U.S. natural gas should play in the ongoing domestic and global clean energy transition. This report finds that expanding U.S. natural gas production and exports can cut coal use, lowering domestic and global greenhouse gas emissions, along with other policies to increase renewable power and other forms of clean energy.
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New from the Experts

The Death of Globalization? You Won’t Find It in New Orleans, ft. Ed Gresser, Vice President and Director for Trade and Global Markets
⮕ The New York Times ([link removed])

US Natural Gas Pitched as Climate Savior If Methane Leaks Cut, ft. Paul Bledsoe, Strategic Advisor for PPI
⮕ Bloomberg News ([link removed])

How government can keep up with the future, ft. Jordan Shapiro, Economic and Data Policy Analyst for PPI
⮕ Politico ([link removed])

Watch — New Skills for a New Economy: The Future of Youth Career Development, ft. Taylor Maag, Director of Workforce Development Policy
⮕ The 74 ([link removed])

Transmission line draws top officials to the desert, ft. Paul Bledsoe, Strategic Advisor for PPI
⮕ PoliticoPro Morning Energy ([link removed])

Black men making a difference as mentors to young male students, ft. Curtis Valentine, Co-Director of Reinventing America's Schools
⮕ Afro News ([link removed])

Trade Fact of the Week: The number of extremely poor people has fallen by two-thirds since 1990
⮕ PPI's Trade Fact of the Week ([link removed])
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Amicus Brief Submitted by PPI Highlights Potential Risks to America's Digital Economy
By Malena Dailey
Technology Policy Analyst for PPI
For PPI Blog ([link removed])

Last week, PPI submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court in the case of Gonzalez v. Google. The brief highlights the potential risks to America’s digital economy under the circumstances of a ruling against Google, considering the implications of changes to what falls under the liability protections provided to online platforms through Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act. Though there is certainly room for reform to Section 230 to better reflect the harms associated with the modern internet, efforts to do so must tread carefully and be targeted to specific harms to avoid destabilizing the digital economy.
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ICYMI: Biden gets real on immigration
By Will Marshall
President of PPI
For The Hill ([link removed])
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No issue better illuminates America’s debilitating political stalemate than immigration. Everyone knows there’s a mounting humanitarian and law enforcement crisis on our southern border, but our political leaders find it safer to appease their most militant partisans than to work together to forge pragmatic solutions.

That may be changing. After ignoring an unprecedented surge of migrants for two years, President Biden ([link removed]) has announced some modest steps toward restoring order. His reward for taking on this combustible issue is a fusillade of criticism from rightwing nativists who say he’s not serious and leftwing activists worried that he is.
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Backlash Against the U.S. Department of Education

As hundreds of parents and students descended on Washington, PPI's Reinventing America's Schools Co-Director Tressa Pankovits went to the White House to hear from some of these advocates. She talked with protestors about why public charter schools are so important to them, and how these newly proposed rules would make it more difficult for public charter schools to win federal start-up grants which charter schools rely on to operate.
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Reporting from Ukraine, ft. Oz Katerji

Almost one year into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, what is the current state of the war?
And where is the conflict happen? Oz Katerji is a war correspondent and joins the show to discuss his experiences in Ukraine.

Staff Spotlight: Taylor Maag

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Director of Workforce Development Policy

Taylor Maag is the Director of Workforce Development Policy at PPI, where she focuses on developing policy solutions that strengthen our nation’s workforce and leads the New Skills for a New Economy project.

The New Skills for a New Economy project ([link removed]) seeks to promote workforce development policies that ensure employers have the talent they need to remain competitive and people have the skills and critical supports necessary to succeed in today and tomorrow’s economy. This is especially important today where education has become America's most significant marker of class privilege. People with bachelor’s and advanced degrees have mostly prospered, while wages for those with less education have fallen. Yet most Americans don’t have degrees, and earning a bachelor’s or advanced degree — which takes extensive time and resources — shouldn’t be the only paths to good, middle-class jobs.

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The New Skills for a New Economy project ([link removed]) will promote bold and pragmatic solutions that address this challenge and encourage a robust workforce development system that is fully-funded, modern, industry-responsive, and equips current and future workers with the skills they need to get ahead — ensuring greater upward mobility for all working Americans.
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