John–Before we had more than a day to process the tragic events in Monterey Park, CA–where 11 people were killed and another 10 wounded, we learned that seven additional people were killed in a mass shooting in Half Moon Bay, CA. Then, just hours later, we learned that three people were killed in a yet another shooting in Yakima, WA.

Only in America are we not given the proper time to process one heinous attack before we learn of another. This keeps happening. Again and again. And it has to stop.

The specifics of these shootings may differ, but one thing made each of them possible: easy access to firearms.

We are 24 days into 2023 and there have already been 39 mass shootings. We do not need to live like this. While it is easy to feel hopeless, to become desensitized to the latest headline, we urge you to push forward alongside us. Change is possible. And it is needed now.

We hope you’ll use your heartbreak, rage, and fear to help us ban the sale of military-style assault rifles. Lives depend on this work. And we cannot do it alone.

In solidarity,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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