11 Years of Real Good Fish! 
From warm casual afternoons hanging out with Stan on the Anchor Steam to getting married and raising a 4 year old and twins, Alan briefly reflects on a journey guided by principles and the sea. 
Dear , 

Real Good Fish was founded 11 years ago to bring a more direct connection to our seafood and, by doing so, improve the sustainability of our fisheries and provide greater health and inspiration to our homes. Our call to action was finding the commonality between two essential members of our society: local fishermen, like Stan Bruno (now retired) pictured above, were unhappy with the market and regulatory conditions of their industry, while individuals and families were largely unaware and either blindly eating imports, or discontent with the poor quality and selection of seafood at the market. 

Through the years we have watched the lives of fishermen and communities improve as a result of our business - from fishermen investing in new fisheries and gear to fish more sustainably, to members discovering new favorite seafood species and creating a habit around “weekly fish nights.” As of January 1st, 2023, our Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP), piloted in 2019-2022 to create opportunities for fishermen to sustainably fish abundant populations of fish was adopted by the federal register and made official. Meanwhile our members have enjoyed over 60 different species of fish and seafood, many of which are not typically available in a market or restaurant, and each delivered with the fisherman's name. 

One of the pillars of this business continues to be our ability to provide predictable demand for fishermen that otherwise face great uncertainty. At the same time, we provide a product and service to our members that is more in tune with the seasonality and abundance of our ocean ecosystems.
A truly symbiotic business model and relationship - compared to the traditional "extract all that we desire at all costs" model. 

To speak a bit to the serendipity of life, it is incredibly fortunate on so many levels that Jenn and I met in Monterey and that we forged a life and mission to serve our community in ways others deemed impossible - providing local seafood in public school lunches across California through our Bay2Tray program. These transformations continue to be the greatest joys and fruits of our labor, and the greatest motivators to keep pushing against the status quo for the collective benefit of all. All of this while working in one of the most dynamic and unpredictable industries and environments on the planet. To say we are proud of our collective accomplishments is an understatement as grand as saying the ocean is big. 

The future is scary but with that comes opportunity. Since Jenn and I had our first son in 2018 and then twins in 2021 the stakes have never felt higher, not just for us a family but for us preparing the next generation of stewards. News coverage of fish fraud in well regarded restaurants, farmers markets vendors selling imported fish, and a study showing the bioaccumulation of certain “forever” chemicals in fresh water fish continue to show us how massive the challenge remains. We maintain our hope and momentum through our principles and our members, knowing it is you that is driving us towards a more sustainable future. Guided by your support we are reminded of Margaret Meads salient quote: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” 

Real Good Fish exists to be a beacon of hope and action that empower us as communities and producers to create the solutions and supply chains we want and the future deserves. I know we say it all the time but it’s more true than ever - you all are the reason of our successes and broader collective change. We are stronger, healthier and more resilient together, and you know what? Our meals are not just more filling, but more fulfilling as a result. Please stay tuned for more, including our annual impact report coming in a few weeks. 

With our sincerest gratitude,
Alan Lovewell, Founder and CEO

Here's what our members had to say this past year:
- Thank you for this initiative!! We love clam chowder and appreciate your efforts to reduce waste. Dispatch Goods is working well, they are very communicative and punctual.

- Just finished the clam chowder! Best I've ever had, including my homemade chowder with fresh clams.

- So happy to see RGF grow. Also the clam chowder as ice packs is a genius idea. Well done whoever came up with that!

-  I just want to let you know that yesterday's salmon, wrapped in cheesecloth was the best ever. It did not get at all soggy and was perfect. Thank you for trying this method out, I think it's a great way of sending the fish.
- The Dover Sole was so good today as always. We love the freshness and quality of Real Good Fish. The new labels are great. So easy now to find our fish.

- We stopped eating fish because we were worried about its impact on the oceans. We’re so glad to have found Real Good Fish, which allows us to eat seafood sustainably. It is also the most flavorful fish we have ever had the privilege of eating! And we love that each catch lists who caught it, where, and how.

- Thank you for the excellent fish! We had fish tacos today and they were a hit. I loved that I could tell our students the name of the fisherman, his boat and where it was caught. - Pacific Elementary in Davenport, CA
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