January 2023

White House Meeting: 
Biden's Team Asks AFSA for Ideas

Following AFSA’s meeting with President Biden's education team, they said "we need your help." To keep the White House better informed on front-line issues happening in our schools, tell us what you need to improve education in your community. Send us your ideas, concerns, wants and needs; email us now and we will share them with the White House.

President Biden’s education advisers heard real stories about the challenges and needs facing our professions and asked our union’s leadership team for input. Read more.


Healing the Community
After Student Shooting Death

AFSA Vice President Karl Perry, who serves as president of the Baltimore City Public School Administrators and Supervisors Association, works hard to heal his school community after a mass shooting and death. "To lose a child is one of the most devastating things that any person can go through, especially being an administrator—that's one of your babies." Learn more about the story.


AFSA Leadership: MLK Day of Service


Chicago School Leaders
One Step Closer to Binding Voice

A bill giving Chicago’s school leaders the right to recognition and good faith negotiations with district management passed the Illinois Senate and is headed to the governor’s desk. The Chicago Principals & Administrators Association, AFSA Local 2, has been a union for more than 50 years—but one without union rights, especially collective bargaining. This legislation will bring principals and district officials to the table together to collaborate on policy.  Read more.


More Professionals Seeking Unions

The percentage of nonunion professionals who want to form a union in their workplace increased to 65% in 2022, according to a survey commissioned by the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE). Additionally, 63% of those who would support a union at work said they would talk to their co-workers about forming a union in the next year. Read more.