Republican Jewish Coalition

The RJC Weekly Newsletter

January 16, 2020

Your weekly look at the latest news, analysis, and RJC activities around the country.

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RJC in the News

RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks got the ultimate retweet this week - from President Trump.


Students at Amirkabir University in Tehran protest Iran's downing of a Ukrainian passenger jet.


Iranians Take to the Streets

Iranians have been protesting for several days, following the regime's admission that its elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane last week, killing all 176 people on board. The Iranian government had denied culpability for the downed airliner for days.


Iranians are risking their lives, calling for the end of the mullahs' regime. President Donald Trump cautioned Iranian officials not to kill the protesters, and he praised the courage of the Iranian people on Twitter. CNN reports:

"To the leaders of Iran - DO NOT KILL YOUR PROTESTERS. Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you, and the World is watching," Trump wrote. "More importantly, the USA is watching. Turn your internet back on and let reporters roam free! Stop the killing of your great Iranian people!"

The tweet comes hours after the President voiced his administration's support for the protesters, writing on Twitter that he has "stood" with them since he took office nearly three years ago.

Trump's tweet of support for protesters, in Farsi and English, said


Shoshana Bryen points out that President Trump has figured out how to talk to people without their government (in Iran) or the media (here at home) intervening. The idea that the mainstream media - or anyone else - should filter the news that reaches people, is dead.


The President's respect for the people of Iran seems to be reciprocated: protesters purposely walking around rather than stepping on flags of the US and Israel painted on the ground at the entrance of Beheshti University in Tehran.


Writing at Asia Times, David Goldman notes the Iranian public's dissatisfaction with the regime due to economic stress. He writes:

Iranians face desperate conditions, if not actual hunger, due to the effect of economic sanctions. Add to this the long-term effects of mismanagement of the country’s scarce water resources… Few countries have endured this level of deprivation outside of full war mobilization, and few have seen such a drastic decline in the number of births. The only modern comparison is Venezuela. Governments with a monopoly of economic resources and the willingness to kill significant numbers of their own citizens can stay in power for quite some time, but there seems no question that Iran’s regime is fragile and prone to destabilization.

Christian Oliver, writing at Politico, takes a slightly broader view, asserting that Iranians are furious over the regime's lies and overall mismanagement of the country:

There was a common refrain to many of the chants from crowds of students and other critics of the regime: that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his high-brass in the Revolutionary Guards should now resign because of their incompetence.

This is dangerous territory for Iran's rulers. Accusations that the leader is mismanaging the country (and fomenting corruption) plays to a fury that unites the reformist camp with many more conservative Iranians. At both ends of the political spectrum, there’s intense frustration that the Islamic Republic never delivered, and that neighbors like Turkey, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates put themselves on the map in a way that Iranians always aspired to, either politically or economically.

...The shooting down of the plane epitomizes both the incompetence of the regime, and the fact that the nation’s brightest and best look to emigrate. The list of fatalities from the flight manifest was a harrowing litany of not only children and newly married couples, but doctors, engineers and scientists.

Finally, two excellent articles on Iran that merit your attention:


Sen. Marco Rubio


Republicans: Fighting Anti-Semitism, Supporting Israel

The Jerusalem Post reports:

Three [Republican] congressmen, Reps. Ted Budd (R-NC), Lee Zeldin (R-NY) and David Kustoff (R-TN), have introduced H. Res. 782 in order to combat antisemitism in the United States. The resolution is designed to encourage public schools to teach a curriculum on the history of antisemitism and the Holocaust. It will also note the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) and the ongoing issue of antisemitism in American society.

The bill further calls for cooperation between federal law enforcement and state and local officials to hold perpetrators of antisemitism to account and bring them to justice.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), along with Democrat Chris Coons (D-DE), introduced an authorization bill that will provide $3.3 billion in annual security assistance to Israel, in accordance with the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the United States and Israel. JNS reports:

Rubio told Reuters the bill was crucial amid “unprecedented threats,” while Coons told the outlet that “the events of the past few days [the killing of Qassam Soleimani and the Iranian missile strikes at a coalition base in Iraq] are a stark reminder of the importance of US assistance to Israel’s security.”

Also this week, JTA reported that South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed an executive order on Tuesday prohibiting state offices from doing business with companies that boycott Israel. South Dakota is the 28th state to have enacted an anti-Israel boycott executive order or legislation.




March 13-15 in Las Vegas: RJC National Leaders are invited for a terrific weekend of politics, policy, and poker at the fabulous Venetian/Palazzo Resort and Hotel. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from – and be heard by – some of the country’s foremost politicians, policy makers, and leaders, including featured speaker Ambassador Nikki Haley. It’s time to reserve your spot! Visit for details and reservations. (This event is open to RJC Leaders; Leadership dues begin at the $1,000 donor level.)

Countdown to Election Day


• The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts in support of President Donald Trump’s reelection in various battleground states. CLICK HERE for details and application information. 


• The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents, and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates!


And don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah! 
Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling. Supplies are limited. 



— Short Takes —

This is how the PA builds on Israeli nature reserves

A petition has been filed with the Jerusalem District Court Wednesday against the Palestinian Authority, which built an illegal school within the Nahal Macocha Nature Reserve, on state land... The site where the illegal construction was carried out spans some 18,000 dunams (4,450 acres) in the northern Judean Desert, extending from Mount Hatzor to the Jordan River and the Dead Sea. The reserve is home to several species of rare flowers such as the Judean iris and the Tulipa agenensis, as well as several rare bird species. The sign posted on the school, which was built with EU funding and other foreign funds, indicates that the structure is owned and owned by the State of Palestine - Ministry of Education and Higher Education.


Experts advise US synagogues on use of armed security personnel

The Secure Community Network has produced a first-of-its kind report in response to questions from Jewish communities across the United States as to whether and how they should make use of armed security. See the full report here.



— Tweets —






— Events —

Phone Banking Opportunities
St. Louis Park, MN - January 21, 2020


Beachwood, OH - January 26, 2020


Century City, CA - January 27, 2020


Midtown Manhattan, NY - February 18, 2020


Las Vegas, NV - March 13-15, 2020


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