War?! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!

Unless you think being seen as an aggressor, wasting taxpayer funds, increasing taxes, destroying the environment, and increasing our national debt at an unparalleled pace are good things for the USA. Click the map below for more information!

For decades now, US military bases have surrounded Iran. It’s hard to look at this map and think that Iran is the aggressor. US media and statements from the Whitehouse and CIA will always tell us that the US is the good guy. Sadly our voters are intentionally kept in fear and unaware of the facts.

Under the Obama administration Trump called out Obama for attempting to start a war with Iran. Greenest earth destroying oil monger ever! Now Trump is on the verge of increasing it himself.

Get my position on Iran by clicking the map!

Due to The Great Hat-roversy of 2020 we are holding a funds drive vote to decide whether or not I should test-pilot the Georgia Convention hatless! The deal is I will leave the hat behind when I go to GA if hat opposition can raise $2500 by this weekend. Use the first link below to fight against my hat! Use the second link below to endorse my hat!
Lose the hat: https://donorbox.org/behrman2020-3
Keep the hat: https://donorbox.org/behrman2020-3-2
Like and Follow Hat on Facebook:

Your donations, whether large or small, will ensure we get to the Libertarian Conventions in Douglas, GA on 1/18/2020  and Tuscon, AZ on 1/25/2020. We need at least 50 people to donate at least $250 per month. That's less than being tax slaves!

Taxation is theft.

Donate here: https://www.behrman2020.com/donate

In Liberty,

Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman