Dear John,
Yesterday, I was in Washington testifying before Congress about the shocking rise in anti-Semitism, and calling on our leaders across the political spectrum to stop politicizing anti-Semitism and weaponizing it for partisan gain.
This testimony to the House Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism is part of a sustained ADL effort — by our staff and by our community of supporters all over the country — to get laws passed that will push back against the spike in anti-Semitic violence.
I urged Congress to put more pressure on social media companies to shut down the neo-Nazis and anti-Semites on their platforms, and I called for the passage of several important bills, including the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, the Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act and the Never Again Holocaust Education Act.
ADL also asks you to join us in pushing for these acts to become laws. Please send this message to your elected representatives to take a stand against anti-Semitism, white supremacy and domestic terrorism.
It is fair to say that the past few years have been the most challenging that we have faced in recent memory. From Pittsburgh to Poway, Jersey City to Monsey, Orlando to El Paso, Charleston, Christchurch, New Zealand, the list goes on and on.
But as I reminded Members of Congress, it’s not just the high-profile and lethal incidents that we need to respond to. It’s also the kids who snap a heil Hitler salute for a gag, the swastikas scrawled on a garage door, the college campuses where Jewish students are ostracized for supporting Israel. This moment is about Orthodox women wearing wigs who are harassed as they ride the subway or men wearing black hats who are assaulted as they cross the street. It’s the idea that a person isn’t safe in their supermarket, in their synagogue, or in their
home just because they are Jewish.
At another hearing on Capitol Hill yesterday, our VP of Programs George Selim presented ADL’s latest findings on the financing of domestic terrorism and extremism to members of the House Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy. He suggested tactics to cut off some of the funding that dangerous organizations use to fuel their actions.
Both George and I used the opportunity to urge our political leaders to call out anti-Semitism and bigotry at every opportunity. It isn’t said often enough: America is no place for hate.
We urge you to send a message to Congress that acting on ADL’s recommended steps to fight back against anti-Semitism and domestic terrorism needs to be a priority.
Thank you, |
Jonathan Greenblatt |
CEO and National Director |