John, last year’s election was the most expensive midterms in all of American history. A whopping $16.7 billion was spent.

John, last year’s election was the most expensive midterm in all American history. Total spending exceeded a whopping $16.7 billion.

Since the Supreme Court’s decision in the 2010 Citizens United case, the influence of money in politics has grown with each passing election.

By deregulating our nation’s campaign finance system, dark money is protected, and individual voters are being drowned out.

We need to get dark money out of our politics. It's why I refuse to accept a dime in donations from fossil fuel executives, Big Pharma executives, or federal lobbyists.

And it’s also why I’m calling on the Senate to take up comprehensive campaign finance reform. If you agree that we need to reform our broken campaign finance system and return the power of our democracy to the people, sign on today.


In the next two years, we will see the proliferation of negative attacks, misinformation, and divisiveness to the tune of tens of billions of dollars in spending. That dark money puts an added strain on our democracy while taking power away from voters.

That’s why we need to do something about the inequalities created by the Citizens United decision.

Add your name to join me in calling for the Senate to take action and pass comprehensive campaign finance reform legislation. This is fundamental to our democracy.


Thank you for taking action with me.

With love and gratitude,
