Monterey Park is just the latest in an endless, disturbing pattern of gun violence.
A celebration became a horrific tragedy when a gunman opened fire on a Lunar New Year party in Monterey Park. In a town where people had gathered for a major holiday for the first time since COVID-19 began, eleven people lost their lives and another nine were severely injured in an act of senseless violence. I join the millions grieving for the families who lost their loved ones.
Sadly, Monterey Park is just the latest in an endless, disturbing pattern of gun violence. Just 22 days into 2023, we’ve already witnessed 33 mass shootings.
We can’t go on like this. We can’t allow this to happen again. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to pass common-sense gun reform.

As a member of Congress, as an American, and as a human being, the rampant gun violence that plagues our country sickens me to my core. No other country on Earth sees mass shootings with such regularity, and yet little has been done to address it.
Sign if you agree: It’s time to pass common-sense gun safety legislation.
Working together, we can turn the tide against gun violence across the United States. We can prevent horrific events like the one in Monterey Park this past weekend from tearing communities apart.
In solidarity,