Today, Samm Davidson is sharing a story about one of those oh-god-it-could-have-been-terrible incidents that really scares you silly. She was walking down the stairs with her newborn when she slipped and bumped to the bottom. Fortunately, everyone was fine – but she was rattled, and it stayed with her. “My daughter is now a little over two, and there has not been one day since that I have not pictured myself falling down those stairs,” she writes. “So often, I am walking the same route, and it hits me, just for a second, and a holy crap, what if thought pops into my head, and I have to actively pause and direct my brain to something else. It doesn’t become big enough to derail my day or elicit a panic attack, but it exists.” Her point is that being a mom with anxiety is tough, and it doesn’t always play out in the ways you might be picturing. Give it a read. Kelly Faircloth, Executive Editor |