From Voto Latino Action Alert <[email protected]>
Subject what's next?
Date January 23, 2023 9:16 PM
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John, our grassroots movement accomplished some incredible things together last November. In a year when pundits predicted a "red wave," Senate Democrats expanded their majority!

These victories were only possible because we've spent years registering, organizing, and mobilizing millions of young Latinos in swing states across the country. Now, we want to give some of our top supporters (people like you!) a sneak peek at where we'll be focusing our efforts ahead of 2024.

But first: Our work has always been powered by this grassroots team. If you're still with us in the fight to build Latino political power in 2024 and beyond, will you make an investment today to support Voto Latino's work?

> [link removed]

What's next in 2024?

The House is on the line:

In states with rapidly growing Latino populations — California, Arizona, and Texas, to name a few — Democrats narrowly lost key House races in 2022, making it possible for the GOP to win a razor-thin majority.

There are tens of thousands of young, eligible, unregistered Latinos in these states. With your support, we can register these voters, mobilize them to cast a ballot in 2024, and elect House Democrats who will represent our communities' interests.

> [link removed]

The Senate is on the line:

POLITICO has reported that the 2024 Senate map will be "brutal" for Democrats. That's because we'll need to keep swing states like Arizona and Nevada blue while trying to flip tough states like Texas and Florida.

Our work to mobilize young Latino voters helped flip the Senate in 2020 and expand Democratic control in 2022. With your help, we can keep leaders who represent our communities in the Senate majority by reaching more Latinos than ever before ahead of 2024.

> [link removed]

The White House is on the line:

Donald Trump has already announced his third presidential campaign and other MAGA Republicans like Ron DeSantis are waiting in the wings. We're in for a tough fight.

In 2020, the number of young Latinos we registered in key swing states like Arizona and Georgia exceeded President Biden's margin of victory there. With your support, we can register even more voters this time around.

> [link removed]

Every $24 we raise helps us register and mobilize one more Latino voter in a swing state that will be critical to House, Senate, and White House control in 2024. How many voters can you help us reach?

> [link removed]

— The Voto Latino Team

Make a monthly contribution >[link removed]

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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