Hi, team. M.E. here. John’s campaign manager.

We just got word that yet another national outlet has ranked our opponent, Cory Gardner, as the most vulnerable Republican Senator in 2020.

Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, Roll Call, the Hill, and now National Journal’s Hotline are picking up on what we already know -- our campaign is the Democrats’ best chance to flip a Senate seat and take back the majority come November.

We have momentum on our side. But that means special interests and dark money groups are already dumping big money into Colorado to try to sway this election. We can’t let the GOP swoop in to buy this Senate seat out from under us.

Our very first fundraising deadline of 2020 ends tomorrow. This is arguably our most important one yet, so I have to ask:

Will you add a donation to our campaign for U.S. Senate today? It’s incredibly important we hit our very first fundraising deadline of the new year tomorrow to prove we have what it takes to win.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything you’re doing to grow and sustain our campaign. Come November, our win will be thanks to you.

— M.E.

M.E. Smith
Campaign Manager
Team Hick