Support the Safe Communities Act
Public Hearing January 24th!
The IIIC fully supports the Safe Communities Act and we invite you to join us at the MA State House on Friday, January 24th to encourage our legislators to move this important act favorably out of committee. The Safe Communities Act is important because it would end police and court involvement in deportations, protect basic rights for non-citizens, and create uniform guidelines for police interactions with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The Safe Communities Coalition is hosting a media event on the steps of the MA State House at 10 am and is coordinating the public testimony, which begins at 11 am in the Gardner Auditorium. If you are interested in participating in the hearing please contact Maggie Murphy at the IIIC by emailing [email protected] or calling 617-542-7654.

Even if you don't testify, you can make an impact with your presence.

It is so important at this time for each of us to speak up and make Massachusetts more welcoming to newcomers. 
The IIIC empowers immigrants and refugees from 126 countries by providing the legal, wellness, and educational support they need to build successful lives. Building on our Irish roots of welcoming others and promoting social justice, we help newcomers find community, and we stand up for immigration policies that are humane and just. America is a nation of immigrants, and despite the current political climate, we are proud to continue the tradition of welcoming immigrants to this country and working together to create a better future for all.

Follow the Irish International Immigrant Center
1 State Street, Boston, MA 02109, United States
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