The SC Freedom Caucus needs your immediate help. Here’s what happened:
Members of the SC GOP Establishment, with their arrogance on full display, held a press conference in Columbia last week to announce that the SC Freedom Caucus was officially kicked out of the SC House GOP Caucus. Why? Because they refused to sign the GOP’s “loyalty pledge”. Here’s what freshman SCFC member Thomas Beach tweeted:
On my first day representing my constituents, I was removed from the SC House Republican caucus for refusing to sign a loyalty oath which would prevent me from informing voters which lawmaker killed Conservative bills. - @ThomasBeach
The Establishment is so threatened by the SC Freedom Caucus that they are literally denying them their 1st Amendment rights to publicly discuss voting records, highlight the differences between them, and publicly disagree with them on policy issues.
Being kicked out of the GOP Caucus could mean several things – the worst of which is a torrent of special interest money used against them in primaries.
So please consider helping the SC Freedom Caucus NOW with the following:
1. Donate to the State Freedom Caucus Network. The South Carolina Freedom Caucus, and our other states, won’t be able to wage any fight in the future if we don’t provide support and assistance. Please consider donating now.