Today, surrounded by friends, family, and members of my community, I held my in-district swearing-in ceremony at West Point.
It’s hard to describe how meaningful it is to me that nearly 20 years after attending West Point, I have the distinct honor of being the first West Point graduate to represent the Academy in Congress.

Since our country’s founding, this region, the Hudson Valley, has served as a xxxxxx in the fight for democracy. Once again, our democracy is being tested, and we need patriots to stand up and fight for it. And once again, I believe it is us, the people of the Hudson Valley, who are up to the task.
We have a proud history of fighting for our communities here in the Hudson Valley, of standing up on behalf of those who often feel they do not have a voice. Whether it be General Electric polluting the Hudson or Central Hudson ripping off our most vulnerable residents, we never shy away from a fight.
Throughout my campaign and my first months as a representative in Congress, I have promised to fight for our fundamental rights and freedoms. While politicians are working to undermine our country’s fundamental values and harm our democracy, I am ready to protect these freedoms from any threat.
Amidst extremist proposals to limit access to reproductive care, I promise to fight for everyone’s freedom to choose. Amidst far right plans to cut Social Security and Medicare, I promise to fight for everyone’s freedom to retire with dignity. And amidst the worsening epidemic of gun violence, I promise to fight for everyone’s – especially every parent’s – freedom from fear and worry.
The stakes are simply too high right now. We must come together as patriots to govern.
With this team working alongside me, and with the drive to serve with duty, honor, and country just as I learned at West Point, I know that we can take on big fights — and win.
Thank you for being a part of this journey. I’m looking forward to all that is ahead.
Yours in service,