John, this morning, our country carried out what has become a ritual: Waking up to news of another shooting, to reports of people murdered in the midst of going about their lives.
Supermarkets. Movie theaters. Festivals. Schools. Homes. Block parties. Places of worship. Offices. Dance studios.
Last night in Monterey Park, California, a gunman opened fire at a ballroom dance studio, killing at least 10 people and wounding at least 10 others—during the same weekend as Lunar New Years celebrations in the town's predominant Asian-American community.
While information is still coming in as we learn the specifics, we already know that this is an unacceptable tragedy, the latest event in an unacceptable crisis of gun violence that continues to plague the United States. It also serves as a reminder that although our movement has made immense progress in the last ten years, there is still so much work left to be done before our communities are safe. Become a volunteer to help stop this violence and save lives.
As we grapple with the devastating news out of Monterey Park, we send our deepest condolences to the entire community, and to Asian and Asian-American people celebrating the Lunar New Year across the country. This should have been a joyous time of year, not a moment marked by violence.
We will honor the victims and survivors with action, and we will not stop until we put an end to this deadly crisis.
We'll keep you updated as we learn more. In the meantime, please do what you need to do to take care of yourself, and recommit to making our communities safe for everyone.
Thank you,
Angela Ferrell-Zabala
Senior Vice President of Movement Building
Everytown for Gun Safety