
I wanted to send a quick note about the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and the current risks women are facing since it’s been overturned. 

Right here in Montana, Republican politicians are trying to pass a bill that would remove the right to keep medical decisions between a woman and her doctor from our state’s Constitution. 

Let’s be clear: America was founded on the principle of freedom. The government has no right to make healthcare decisions for any person in this country, and I take my responsibilities to protect the freedom and autonomy of every member of our state. 

But not everyone takes that responsibility so seriously. That’s why it’s so important that today, we all commit to being a pro-choice voter in the years to come. Conservative politicians at the local and federal level have all failed to live up to their duty to protect each individual’s right to privacy — even going so far as calling for a national ban on abortion. 

We can’t let that happen. Please take the pledge now to commit to electing pro-choice candidates in the upcoming elections, so we can protect and preserve the reproductive rights currently under attack around the country.

