Ilhan for Congress

Now that the 118th Congress is officially underway and our team is gearing up for the important fights ahead, we have a quick request for you today:

Will you take two minutes and submit our first Team Ilhan Issues Survey of the year? We want to know where our movement's priorities lie, and are tracking responses at this link.


Here's a sneak peek at the first question:

Screenshot of first survey question

Hearing directly from our supporters is critical to Ilhan's work fighting for our shared progressive values every day in Congress.

And you might be surprised, but the responses we receive to surveys like this one shift all the time.

That's why it's so important that we check in from time and time and see where our movement stands on the issues — and it's why we're asking you directly:

Please take two minutes and submit our first Issues Survey of the year and let us know where you stand. Ilhan wants to hear from you.

Thanks in advance for making your voice heard.

In solidarity,

Team Ilhan