Newly elected Republican State Senator Nikki Torres (15th LD) joined us to discuss her priorities for the 2023 legislative session, including improving public safety by reversing many of the Democrats’ disastrous anti-police measures.
Shift Washington

Welcome to 2023 and the new legislative session, and as always, we here at Shift WA have you covered with some of this week’s most read stories and insights into what is going on in your own political backyard! Read on…

This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
Newly elected Republican State Senator Nikki Torres (15th LD) joined us to discuss her priorities for the 2023 legislative session, including improving public safety by reversing many of the Democrats’ disastrous anti-police measures. Torres also discussed her belief that the legislature should focus on helping families through tax relief rather than expanding state government. She also provided insights on her legislation designed to help our farmers by improving their access to water. Read more.

This week’s top story…
The 2023 legislative session has started – and that means Democrats have begun introducing a series of terrible bills. Democrat Senator Rebecca Saldana has introduced bills that would have taxpayers paying for lawyers for convicted criminals to appeal their convictions and taxpayer-funded unemployment benefits for people illegally in this country. And that’s just two of the ridiculous bills introduced so far. Read more.

In case you missed it…
The Seattle Times has run 30 stories about Republican Congressman George Santos (NY) and his admission that he repeatedly lied to voters about his background. By contrast, our state’s biggest newspaper has not posted one single story about the numerous lies of Democrat State Representative Clyde Shavers since the paper posted one minor piece back in November. Notably, Shift broke that story six days before the Times bothered to report on it while voters were returning their ballots. Bias much, Seattle Times? Read more.

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