
Next Tuesday marks ten years since the disastrous Citizens United decision was handed down, leaving our political system open to unchecked corporate influence.

Kim's priority has always been serving the people of WA-08 and bringing their voices with her to Congress. She's always refused corporate PAC money because special interests like big pharma, the fossil fuel industry, and the NRA have no place in our politics. And in the House, Kim helped pass legislation to reform our elections, fight corruption, and give power back to everyday citizens.

We've beaten dark money before, but with Republican outside groups gearing up to take back the House, we need your help again in 2020.

Chip in before the 10th anniversary of Citizens United to help us hit our mid-month fundraising goal and show the special interests that in November, grassroots campaigns can be stronger than dark money once again >>

Our campaign has proven that when everyday people stand together, we can defeat dark money and elect leaders who will fight for us. But with national Republicans targeting this district, we need to make sure we have the resources to fight back against whatever attacks come our way.

We can reelect Kim in November and keep her fighting in Congress against corruption. But we can't get there without the help of grassroots supporters like you.

John, before the anniversary of Citizens United, will you chip in to help us hit our mid-month fundraising goal and show the power of this grassroots movement?


Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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