ALERT: Today is the 50-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade.

We must enshrine women’s reproductive rights into law. Add your name if you agree: Congress must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act without delay:


January 22, 1973.

John — That was the day the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade — affirming the constitutional right to an abortion.

Today would’ve marked 50 years of protections under Roe. Instead, last June, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court chose to upend five decades of precedent and strip women of their reproductive rights.

At a time when Republican lawmakers are working to take away reproductive rights even further, Michelle Obama is speaking out:

“I encourage you to channel your frustration and anger into action by getting involved.”
– Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama is right, John. We must make our voices heard and fight for reproductive care — especially on this important 50-year anniversary.

The Women’s Health Protection Act aims to codify the right to an abortion and stop right-wing legislators’ attempts to pass restrictive bans. Add your name to our petition today if you believe Congress must pass the Women’s Health Protection Act without delay.


Thank you for speaking out,

— Defend the Senate