This week marks the birthday of my mom, a loyal reader of this newsletter. Hi, Momma!
I am terribly lucky to have a mom who is incredibly spirited, hilarious and strong. That, along with my perfectly shaped eyebrows, is one of the privileges I enjoy.
My mom and dad wholeheartedly support my journalism career, and always have. But also they created a home environment that encouraged my growth into a person who emulates all the classic qualities in a journalist.
They rewarded my constant curiosity with books and activities on everything I was interested in, from geodes to sharks to the paranormal.
They accepted my innate distrust of authority — even theirs — with grace and goodwill.
I can hear my mom’s voice asking me repeatedly during my childhood, “Yes, but how do you know that for sure?,” teaching me to question my sources at all times.
Perhaps more than anything else, they fostered my love of reading.
One of my earliest memories was learning that during our weekly trip to the library, I would have to return my new favorite book. I was horrified. I wasn’t super clear on how libraries worked, so I hid in my room, trying to trace the characters and words with my little 4-year-old hands in an attempt to keep my book.
That afternoon at the library, my mom told the circulation desk that we’d managed to lose the book and that she’d need to pay for it. It’s the only time I can ever remember my mom telling a lie, because she deeply values the truth and honesty. But she also loved that I loved that book. It’s still in my bedroom at home.
This week I just wanted to start you off with an appreciation of my mom, and give a shoutout to the folks who got us where we are now — attempting to inspire the next generation of journalists and bringing the best journalistic qualities to our work every day. Curiosity. Fearlessness. Honesty. A love of words. And most of all, a commitment to bettering the world. My mom has taught me that we can all play a role in making our worlds a little better for everyone around us, and we should.
All that to say: If you can, call your mom. And happy birthday to mine.