Any amount you can give will help us build out the campaign infrastructure we need to send Katie to the U.S. Senate.
As we round out week two of Katie’s Senate campaign, we want to give you a quick update:
FIRST: Katie launched her campaign for the U.S. Senate. She’s running to represent working people—not corporate PACs or special interest lobbyists.
THEN: Despite Katie being only one of twelve Members of Congress who doesn’t accept federal lobbyist or corporate PAC money, our campaign was still able to raise over $1 million on day one, thanks to grassroots supporters like you chipping in what they could.
NOW: The days to become a Founding Donor of our campaign are dwindling and we want you on our team! Our average donation is just $36—but any amount you can give today will solidify you as a Founding Donor.
Please consider stepping up and showing your support for Katie Porter by becoming a Founding Donor today. By making a contribution at the beginning of this campaign, you’re helping build our movement from the ground up.
Become a Founding Donor ›››
Because of California’s unique primary system—two Democrats could be running against each other during the general election—building support early on in this campaign is crucial to our success.
Katie is also one of just a dozen Members of Congress who doesn’t accept money from corporate PACs or federal lobbyists, so our campaign is financially at a disadvantage compared to other campaigns who do accept these large donations.
So, John, will you join us and make a Founding Donation today? Any amount you can give will help us build out the campaign infrastructure we need to send Katie to the U.S. Senate.
If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:
Thanks for your support!
Katie Porter HQ