Insider News from the Political Revolution!
HEADLINES: BREAKING! Other NRA vs Workers | Tell Your Rep: NO NRA $$ | One Fair Wage NY | States Push Wealth Taxes | CA Delegates Election | Wisconsin M4A Work | Stopping Hochul’s Rightwing Judge | & MORE!
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Join Congressman Ro Khanna and other special guests for our LIVE National Organize-to-Win Call on Monday, January 30th at 8:30 pm ET/5:30 CT!
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Last year, we elected John Fetterman to the US Senate and NINE new allies to the House — for the most progressives ever in Congress.
We also fought hard for policy wins like sectoral bargaining for fast food workers in California, getting $25 million for the NLRB to take on union-busters, and killing Manchin’s Dirty Deal three times!
This year, we can build on this work by broadening our grassroots organizing, electing more allies at the state and local levels, and growing our influence in the party.
From building out progressive cities in down-ballot races to raising wages and taxing the wealthy state by state, we have lots of exciting work planned.
There is so much we can accomplish this year if we work together. Become a 2023 Our Revolution Member to maximize our impact ahead of 2024.
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BREAKING! The New York Times exposed that the National Restaurant Association — has taken millions of dollars from low-wage workers and used it to fund lobbying to keep their wages low.
If you tuned into our 2023 Kickoff Call two weeks ago, you heard One Fair Wage President Saru Jayaraman preview this exposé of the ‘Other NRA’ forcing workers to fund their own exploitation.
This despicable scheme has stagnated the federal minimum wage at $7.25/hr since 2009 and the federal tipped wage at $2.13/hr since 1991!
All elected officials must reject the National Restaurant Association’s dirty money and stand with the restaurant workers who are fighting and working to survive.
Call your members of Congress NOW to demand they take the No NRA Money Pledge. US Rep. Ro Khanna was the first to sign our pledge, and we need many more to follow suit!
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Our Revolution is partnering with One Fair Wage to push legislation to eliminate the tipped wage in 10 states this year — and our Raise the Wage Team is already getting to work!
Our Revolution-NYPAN will rally in Albany — starting at 11:30 am ET on Monday — as One Fair Wage introduces a bill to end the tipped minimum wage and raise wages for millions of workers in the state!
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Raising the Wage is popular — and necessary! Last year restaurant workers won the fight to make Michigan the 8th state to end the subminimum wage for tipped workers. And, in DC, 76% voted to raise the wage to $16.75.
This year we’re working with One Fair Wage to end the subminimum wage in NY, MD, MA, CT, RI, VT, HA, CO, PR, and CA. We’ll also be collecting signatures this year to put the measure on the ballot in AZ, OH, and MI in 2024.
Sign up to be part of our Raise the Wage Team chance to help millions of workers in each of these 13 states win higher wages.
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Our Revolution’s Federal Action Team is already prioritizing policies to push President Biden to deliver on through the Power of the Pen.
Team members weighed in and zeroed in on the following top three issues areas: Combat the Climate Crisis,
Lower Healthcare Costs, and Expand Worker Power.
With a Republican House, we must push the President to use his executive authority to give paid sick leave to rail workers, ensure union rights for federal contractors, and close tax loopholes for the wealthy — and much more!
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As an excellent example of why Our Revolution works to elect progressives down-ballot — seven states moved out in a coordinated effort Thursday to Tax the Rich and “leave them nowhere to hide,” Bloomberg reported.
Democrats in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Washington are acting collectively on a variety of bills to minimize the threat of them moving to a lower-tax state,” The Washington Post reported.
The legislators confirmed our theory of change that state actions can be a test case for future national policy. And, US Rep. Pramila Jayapal noted the difference with Republicans calling for tax breaks for the wealthy.
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Our Revolution Ohio has endorsed Tara Mosley for Mayor of Akron! Tara is a strong progressive and the only woman in the race — but the establishment is already trying to stop her.
She was backed by Our Revolution for re-election to her third term as an Akron City Councilmember, and she also ran for Lt. Governor with Dennis Kucinich.
Tara served as a Bernie Delegate in 2016 and as Ohio State Chair for his 2020 campaign. Local seats are a proving ground for progressive leaders — remember, Bernie started off as Mayor of Burlington, VT!
As a recurring donor to Our Revolution, you’ll power our voter outreach strategy to elect progressives to critical down ballot seats this year.
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While we prepare to take out Kyrsten Sinema in 2024 — unlike other groups — we’re not skipping critical races in 2023.
The balance of power is up for grabs this year in major cities all across America, and we plan to elect progressive city leaders in St. Louis, Chicago, NYC, Philly, Nashville, Dallas, and more.
Join Our Revolution’s Elect Progressives Team to give us insight into what’s happening in YOUR city or town, and help us make key endorsements like Tara Mosley!
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Our Revolution convened this month’s meeting of the State Democratic Party Progressives Network, where members of our Party Transformation Team heard from progressive women leaders working for real change within the party.
Leaders like Shasti Conrad, a former Bernie staffer and King County (WA) Party Chair poised to be the next State Chair; Fatima Iqbal Zubair, an Our Revolution-endorsed candidate for CA State Delegate; Iowa Party Chair candidate Brittany Ruland; and India Walton, the 2021 Democratic nominee for Buffalo mayor who’s fighting for NYS Party Chair Jay Jacobs to resign.
There’s a lot of work to do this year! We also have elections for Party leaders in Arizona, Florida, Oregon, and more. Join our Team below!
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The corporate wing is using any tactic it can to push back against the growing power of progressives.
If you’re a member of the party — delegate, precinct captain, or chair of your local party — and you want to help us develop a progressive strategy from the outside, we need you to work with us!
Sign up for our Party Transformation Team to connect with our broader reform movement and help us organize the left of the party!
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Our Revolution is working with the CA Progressive Caucus to grow the number of progressive delegates in the Party — and this weekend is the last chance to vote!
Party leaders hope we don’t vote because our candidates are committed to replacing Feinstein, electing a progressive to the US Senate, and stopping dirty money corporations from rolling back the progress we’ve made in the California Democratic Party.
As Our Revolution Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told Politico: “Places like California present an opportunity to grow a progressive voting bloc in the Senate, just like we’ve worked to build on the House side.”
Endorsed candidates include Our Revolution’s own Timothy Cotran, who is running with a slate of progressives in AD-53! If you’re in California, go to and then vote!
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Our Revolution Board Member and long-time rabble-rouser Jim Hightower’s latest Lowdown makes a powerful case for the Democratic Party to invest in the grassroots.
Join his new Substack to read it, you won’t regret it!
Hightower argues that today’s entrenched Democratic establishment of high-dollar donors, lobbyists, and consultants is trying to make a base in its image — “regularly opposing The People, especially you “outsider” democratic champions who dare challenge the plutocratic status quo.”
Millions of voters are being surrendered without a fight, labeled a lost cause, unworthy of expending political money and effort, he writes.
“That’s not a strategy, it’s:
- a gutless abdication
- an abandonment of the progressive-minded voters who exist in even the reddest areas
- a surrender of the public debate in those areas to GOP extremists and screwballs
- an irresponsible failure to do something politically momentous: Build a future Party of the People, one with the substance and guts to forge a progressive governing majority with New Deal possibilities.”
We must take on corporate power in the party, our politics, and the economy. Become a member of Our Revolution today to wage the fight for democracy.
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Our state chapter, Our Wisconsin Revolution launched its 2023 Organize-to-Win series with an in-depth and informative Healthcare Forum Wednesday night.
“The 1% is coming for Medicare,” Our Wisconsin Revolution Executive Director Andre Walton. “That means it’s time to get serious and organized about Medicare For All!”
Dunn County Supervisor John Calabrese laid out how the county passed a Medicare for All referendum in the county. And, Andre said new referendum campaigns are planned for Marathon, Outagamie, and Sheboygan counties!
Speaking on the corporate threats to Medicare were Dr. Gillian Battino and Dr. Laurel Mark, who is also the former Chair of Wisconsin Physicians for a National Health Program.
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Our Revolution-NYPAN was part of a broad coalition opposing Gov. Kathy Hochul’s judicial nominee, Hector LaSalle — and Wednesday scored a victory when the Senate Judiciary Committee voted against the nomination.
“The last thing NY needs is another anti-union, anti-choice, Republican chief judge,” said George Albro, Our Revolution member, and Executive Committee Co-Chair.
NYPAN urged state senators to reject LaSalle, and 10 of them did — meaning Hochul would’ve had to get Republican Senators on board.
The left saved Hochul when she was close to losing to a MAGA Republican, and this is the thanks we get, her pushing for a rightwing judge. Yet, she’s still pushing for a floor vote for LaSalle, The Nation reports.
Through progressive solidarity, we can do the work and beat back the rightward push from corporate Democrats and Republicans. Become a member!
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Join Our Revolution and One Fair Wage as we rally around the introduction of New York legislation to End the Subminimum Wage for tipped workers. The event kicks off at 11:30 am ET, Monday, January 23rd in Albany NY.
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This weekend is the last chance to vote in the California Party Elections — but don’t worry, you can register on the spot!
The corporate wing doesn’t want our slate of progressive candidates to take power in the party, and doing so will help us in the upcoming Senate race. If you’re in California, go to, and make sure to vote!
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As the country’s largest grassroots-funded progressive political organization, we are carrying out Bernie’s mission in 2023 through our 4-Point Plan to Win:
Organize the Grassroots
Elect Progressive Champions
Transform the Dem Party
Fight for Progressive Issues
Let’s head into 2023 as strong as possible. As a Movement Builder, you’ll power the meaningful and strategic work we have planned for the year ahead.
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