Hey John –
Happy gobsmacking-amounts-of-superPAC-cash day to all who celebrate!
What’s that you say? You don’t celebrate the anniversary of Citizens United by backing a dump truck full of political donations into the nearest politician’s driveway? I love that for you.
Over here, we’re marking the day by warning about a U.S. Supreme Court case that could be even more of a bombshell than Citizens United: Moore v. Harper.
Take a look at our interactive report on the impact this case could have on America’s elections to learn what’s at stake.
Citizens United opened a floodgate of dark money into our elections. Moore v. Harper could alter the way federal elections work just about everywhere.
On its surface this is a case about gerrymandering and redistricting laws in North Carolina, but it could impact election laws in every state. Lawmakers are arguing that they should have unchecked power over federal elections. If their argument is successful, it’s not hard to imagine the domino effect that would follow.
We put together an interactive map so you can see what a decision in this case could mean for elections in your state.
For the last ten years RepresentUs has been working city by city, state by state to uproot corruption and get government working for the people again.
As we enter a new year of fighting corruption, we’re especially grateful for the hard work and dedication of this movement. We’re sounding the alarm on this case so we can be prepared to fight.
Our movement has worked so hard to pass anti-corruption, pro-democracy reforms across the country. We won’t sit idle while so much of our movement’s work is at risk.
The first step in this fight is to learn all you can about what’s at stake this year.
We’ll be in touch soon to let you know what else you can do to fight back.
Dave O'Brien Policy Counsel RepresentUs