We want to hear from you. 


Making it easy for every eligible voter to exercise their freedom to vote is at the heart of our work here at Fair Fight Action.

We’ve got the same New Year’s resolution as we’ve had for the past 6 years — protecting the freedom to vote! So we wanted to check in with you and hear about your voting experience.

Did you vote early in person or by mail? Did you cast your ballot on Election Day? What issues motivated you to vote this past year? Did you experience any obstacles while registering, voting, or making sure your vote was counted?

This past year, voters proved that our collective power makes a tangible difference at the ballot box, despite anti-voter extremists making voting unnecessarily difficult in places across the country. We’re laser-focused on dismantling those barriers to voting piece by piece, and your story can help shape our work.

Whether your voting experience was smooth, complex, or somewhere in between, we want to hear from you. Please click here to share your story with our team, no matter where you’re located in the country:

Thanks for your response,

The Fair Fight Action team