CPUSA @100


 Dear John,

Our website is a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces, culture commentary, and educational webinars. A complete list of articles on the website is available here, but the following are some of the recent offerings. 

The latest discussion question on the website, on working-class leadership, prompted several provocative and educational responses. Read them here.  Look for our next discussion question on racism and the national question soon.

Three installments of the Marxist Classes webinars are now published: Introduction to the Political Economy, The Communist Manifesto, and Dog-Whistle Politics. The first two webinars are excellent primers for anyone new to Marxism or Party members wanting to brush up on Marxism. “Dog-Whistle Politics” provides background on this racist tactic and discusses how we can fight it. We hope you’ll take advantage of the wealth of expertise in these webinars.


The Party’s statement on  Iran: Communist Party Says “No” to Trump War with Iran


The latest youth-led podcast, The Specter, features a barista organizer from California who talks about the challenges of organizing for a living wage and fighting discrimination in the workplace: Barista Workers of the World, Unite! Let’s support our younger members and help promote this terrific podcast.


International Notes: Portuguese CP “Unwelcomes” Netanyahu, Pompeo


Two excellent articles on unions: Anita Waters’ What Is Public Opinion on Organized Labor? and Lorri Nandrea’s Unions Are More Popular: How Does This Translate into Action?


A look at the 10 best songs and poetry collections of the last decade: Ten Choice Poetry Picks of the Last Decade and The Best Protest Songs of the Last 10 Years.


Test your Marxist IQ: The Judiciary and the Question of Impeachment


The 1619 Project, an initiative launched in 2019 by the New York Times, explores the legacy of slavery as integral to U.S. history. We are soliciting responses to this project, and the first one, an excellent piece titled “Race and Capitalism,” is posted.  More submissions to come.


Yours in struggle,

Website Collective

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