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Want to do more for Teton Dems and your community? Volunteer with us!
We are seeking local representatives to become officers, committeemen and women and much more! Come make a difference for the people of Teton County! To help with our work please send us an email to [email protected] for more information.
County Officers
Wyoming county Democratic parties are represented by a County Central Committee (CCC).
● Chair
● Vice-chair
● Treasurer
● Secretary
● State Committeeman
● State Committeewoman

Job Descriptions:
The Chair presides at all meetings and sees that all orders, adopted motions, policies, and resolutions of these committees are
carried into effect.  He/she has all the general powers of supervision, management, and appointment, 

Vice Chair
The Vice Chair performs the duties and exercises the powers of the Chair during his/her
absence, and any other duties delegated by or requested by the Chair. 

The Chair and Vice Chair lead the county party together. They are responsible for calling
meetings, coordinating canvasses and with campaigns, recruiting precinct chairs, and
ensuring the overall functionality of the county party.

The secretary’s primary role is making sure that all parties stay informed on what takes
place in county party meetings, often by emailed newsletters and updates. 

The Treasurer ensures that the county party is fiscally sound. They prepare a report for
the county party related to finance expenditures and help advise on expenses of the

State Committeeman and State Committeewoman
The State Committeeman and the State Committeewoman represent the county party at
State Central Committee (SCC) meetings,They attend the SCC meetings and report back to their county party
updates from the  Wyoming Democratic Party. 

Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen
These ballot-elected and appointed positions are foundational to organizing a county party. They are
familiar with their Democratic community, engage new Democrats, and serve in
leadership roles during election cycles for volunteer recruitment, canvassing, and Get
Out the Vote efforts. 
Contribute to Teton Dems!
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Copyright © 2022 Teton County Democrats, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 337, Jackson, WY 83001

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