Dear Friends,

Two years ago today, the 46th White House Administration was sworn into office, led by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Also on this day, Chair Jaime Harrison became the 55th Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Over the past two years, the Biden-Harris Administration has continued to put our communities first, through the passage of the American Rescue Plan, CHIPS Act, PACT Act, Respect for Marriage Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, Safer Communities Act, and more.

The Biden-Harris Administration has not done this alone. They have done it alongside people of every identity, community and creed. Equity remains at the forefront of every action, and has been paramount in helping the Administration secure its accomplishments.

Below you will find just a few of the highlights from this administration’s relentless work for the American people over the past two years. Thank you all for helping us get here, and let’s continue our work over the next two years!

The DNC Coalitions Team 

President Biden and Vice President Harris Reflect on the First Two Years of their Administration
In the first two years, the Biden-Harris Administration and Democrats delivered results with an economic agenda that is on the side of workers, here’s a sample: 
  • Record Job Growth: Strongest two years for job growth on record, unemployment matching 50-year low, annual inflation has come down for the past six months in a row, and a record number of Americans have health insurance.
  • Lowering Costs for Families: Inflation Reduction Law to lower prescription drug costs, lower health care premiums and energy costs, take historic climate action, and force wealthy corporations to pay their fair share – all while reducing the deficit.
  • Fixing Our Nation’s Infrastructure: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is rebuilding roads and bridges, providing clean drinking water, and expanding access to high-speed internet. 
  • Making More in America: More companies are reinvesting in American manufacturing – creating 750,000 good-paying jobs, with an historic $300 billion in investments in new factories. 
  • Improving Health Care for Veterans: Passed the PACT Act to strengthen benefits for veterans and their families exposed to toxic burn pits.
  • Reducing Gun Violence: Passed the first significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years. 
  • Providing Historic Student Loan Relief: Providing student debt relief to those who need it most.
  • Appointing Historic Court Nominees: Appointed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman on the Supreme Court, along with a record number of diverse federal judges in his first two years. 
  • Rebuilding the Global Coalition: Restored our standing on the world stage, and led our allies to support Ukraine and democracy worldwide, making the world a safer and steadier place.
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