We recently emailed you about Color Of Change’s Serve Our Sisters program and our MLK Day of Action. We wanted to share some photos with you of folks joining together to make care packages so that you could take a look at the Black joy and community that contributions from members like you are helping to foster:

Color Of Change’s Serve Our Sisters series began in 2018 after hundreds of women attended our first Black Women’s Brunch in December of 2017 in Detroit, Michigan. The recurring question was, “What’s next?”
Well, thanks to the support of folks like you, our Serve Our Sisters program is working to move our community to take action and build organizing squads that embrace the power of issue-led campaigns and community service.
If you made a recent gift of time or money — thank you! If you haven’t had a chance to give yet, it’s not too late to honor Dr. King’s legacy by becoming a much-needed partner in our ongoing commitment to center Black women, uplift our stories, and celebrate our magic. We’re so excited to see this program continue to grow in the years ahead, and we’d be deeply grateful if you’d consider making a contribution today to support our ongoing work through the Serve Our Sisters program.
Until Justice Is Real,
Color Of Change's Movement Building Team