Wilson In the News
Biden Administration Prepares to Sell Fighter Jets to Turkey in Diplomatic Chess Move (CBS Radio News)
“What Washington is doing with this arms deal, which is huge, is to link it unofficially to Turkey [embracing] Sweden and Finland joining the NATO alliance, that is a key Biden administration goal.” -Ambassador James Jeffrey
An Infrastructure Bank Could be the Issue that Unites a Divided Congress (The Hill)
“As large as the infrastructure bill is, it is not enough to cover our 10-year, $2.59 trillion infrastructure deficit... The answer is to rely on private investment and public-private partnerships. That idea has broad bipartisan support. It might appeal to pragmatists on both sides of the aisle” -Sadek Wahba
The New North Korean Threat (Foreign Affairs)
“Although the country has posed a growing threat since 2006, when it first tested an atomic bomb, international efforts to slow down or stop its nuclear program have flagged... This lack of attention is dangerous.” -Sue Mi Terry
Biden Commends Kishida for Japan’s Military Spending Boost (VOA)
Shihoko Goto, Director for Geoeconomics and Indo-Pacific Enterprise, discusses the delicate balance on trade that President Biden and Prime Minister Kishida must navigate during their meeting at the White House.