The Hill: Eleven states have ended judicial deference to executive agencies—more should follow their lead


In federal and state courts around the country, Americans often face an uneven playing field when they square off against executive agencies, thanks to doctrines that require judges to rubber-stamp agency interpretations of the law.

While the Supreme Court may be slow-walking the end of such deference in the federal courts, writes Daniel Dew, state courts and legislators around the country are taking action.

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PLF defends property rights (again) at the Supreme Court


The Supreme Court last week agreed to hear 94-year-old Geraldine Tyler’s case challenging the constitutionality of laws that allow local governments to take a home’s entire value as payment for much smaller property tax debts.

Geraldine’s case is PLF’s third accepted by the Court for review this term, sparking interest around the country in our five-year crusade to end the illegal practice of home equity theft—including from our friends at Reason.

“We agree that the government can seize the property to collect a debt,” PLF senior attorney Christina Martin told Reason. “What it can’t do is take more than it’s owed.”

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Racial set-asides deny veteran’s equal treatment and opportunity in federal contracting


Marty Hierholzer is a U.S. Navy veteran and the owner of MJL Enterprises, a Virginia-based small business that provides maintenance products and supplies to VA hospitals and military facilities.

He repeatedly applied for the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) contracting program, believing his disabled military veteran status should qualify him. But the SBA didn’t see it that way. If Marty were a racial minority, his business would have been presumed disadvantaged; because of his race, it was not.

Agencies cannot use race as the determining factor in who gets government benefits and burdens. So Marty is fighting back.

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Reluctant heroes may be our only hope in the fight for equality


Han Solo, of Star Wars fame, is not your typical hero, but that doesn’t make him any less of a hero.

Andrew Quinio shows us how Solo’s story mirrors our world—filled with real-life characters who don’t believe they have a stake in the fight. Like Solo, one day they find themselves unwittingly thrown into battle, where they rise to the occasion and save the day.

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