The State Supreme Court will hear Democrats argue for a state income tax income tax. Democrats did not just suddenly pass a state income tax on capital gains during the 2021 legislative session.
Shift Washington

Next week, the State Supreme Court will hear Democrats argue for a state income tax. The hearing will begin at 9 a.m. on January 26 – ultimately, the Court will decide whether to stand up against the unconstitutionality of the state income tax that Democrats have attempted to enforce for years.

We here at Shift WA have reported – and warned – of Democrats’ efforts to bypass our state’s ban on a state income tax (by claiming an excise tax on capital gains) for years.

In 2015, we called out Democrats for their efforts to pass a state income tax (on capital gains) as part of their 2015-17 budget. We also held Jay Inslee accountable for claiming that capital gains income is not, in fact, income – a false statement that is not supported by the IRS or the U.S. Supreme Court’s past decisions.

More recently, in 2021, we interviewed former Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna (2005 – 2013) on the lawsuit now before the State Supreme Court. McKenna will be arguing the case on behalf of the Opportunity for All Coalition. McKenna provided our readers with the critical legal arguments for the case that the state income tax (on capital gains) is unconstitutional and the many state legal precedents supporting those arguments.

Of course, Democrats did not just suddenly pass a state income tax on capital gains during the 2021 legislative session. They’ve been building toward the unconstitutional tax for many years – and Shift WA has been there to cover their efforts every step of the way. And that’s why our efforts are so important.

We are the only communications outlet working to hold Democrats accountable in our state. You simply cannot trust mainstream media companies to challenge the Left. They do everything possible to protect Democrats and cover for their unpopular and failed policies.

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Between the upcoming lawsuit against the state income tax on capital gains and the 2023 legislative session, a lot is happening in our state. And you can count on us to continue bringing updates to you.

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